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ProChile in the World

Quito, Ecuador

Susan Rojas

Trade Commissioner: Susan Rojas

Trade Managers: José Leonardo Arias Vera and María Alexandra Maldonado Espinoza 

Tel: +593 2 6050305 - Ext. 2000 

Address: Juan Pablo Sanz y Amazonas, Piso 4°, Edificio Xerox, Quito, Ecuador

Hours: 9 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm

Languages: Spanish

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*Your request will be forwarded to our Help Desk for a proper response. Regarding requests involving contact with our foreign commercial offices for orientation, you will be notified of their contact information in the reply.

About the Market

In recent years there has been renewed interest and greater intensity in the trade relations between Chile and Ecuador. This can be clearly seen in the push for integration at the level of government entities and the private sectors of both countries.

The Chile-Ecuador Trade Integration Agreement (AIC) was therefore signed in August 2020 and is due to enter into effect in the first half of 2021. This agreement is intended to modernize the existing trade relationship, widening the liberalization of tariffs and incorporating new disciplines and additional standards in diverse related matters.

Interesting Information

Interesting Information

GDP 2022 (US$ million): 115.049

GDP per capita 2022 (US$): 6.391

Population: 18.001.000

TOTAL IMPORTS CIF 2022 (US$ million): 32.810

TOTAL EXPORTS FOB 2022 (US$ million): 33.562

Imports CIF 2022 (market sends to Chile) (US$ million): 1.165

Non-copper exports FOB, from Chile to the market 2022 (US$ million): 577

*Data from the year 2022. Source The World Bank