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ProChile accompanies you

Working with ProChile allows you to access the advisory services of a large national and international network of professionals who can help you enter and perform well in the many countries around the world. We have a variety of services suited to the needs of Chile's export industry. 

You can draw on support from ProChile’s 50+ commercial offices in the main markets around the world, as well as accompaniment from executives located in all 16 regions of Chile and from our industry specialists nationwide. 

We also offer One Click Import, an online service for responding efficiently to requests for imports, where we can put importers in contact with exporters. Importers can autonomously use this tool to request a specific product and/or service. 

In the first six months of 2021 alone, we processed over 1,300 applications, which meant that more than 2,400 export companies were able to take advantage of at least one commercial opportunity. Don't miss out! Get in touch with your regional office. 

You can apply for public resources to develop your trade strategy, take advantage of the special deals offered by organizations that can help you to export your products and services. You can also access research data with commercial information that will be useful for developing your exports. You will also be able to take part in marketing campaigns to promote Chile's image abroad, with the support of communications agencies in strategic markets, as well as fostering loyalty among importers through activities, events and meetings focused on generating new business. 

Companies that work with ProChile perform better than those that do not yet have us as a strategic partner.

lets you reach more markets
  • Exporters supported by ProChile: 6.7 markets
  • Non-supported exporters: 2.5 markets
lets you export more products
  • Exporters supported by ProChile: 5.5 markets
  • Non-supported exporters: 3.5 markets


Through the various promotional tools we offer, you will have the opportunity to take your products and/or services to more than 60 markets.

More information here

Special Deals

We have negotiated deals with various companies and organizations, both in Chile and abroad, which are part of the export process or facilitate the internationalization process of Chilean companies.

More information here

Digital Knowledge Center

We make available key export-related information in different formats, which has been specially designed to support entrepreneurs in their decision-making process.

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Non-copper exports report December 2022

Dynamically access data on the shipments of Chilean products and/or services abroad. This dashboard allows you to explore the data by industry, export market, region of origin or company size.

More information here


Activities carried out in 2020 


People took part in the events 


Exporters experienced increased profits following the activities 

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