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At the Get training section, you will find workshops, webinars, case studies,
forums and practical guides on e-commerce, ranging from opening your
first website to boosting your international sales.

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Learn in a didactic and practical way about digital export and apply it to your business in the short term.
We offer a comprehensive training plan in e-commerce, such as thematic webinars, practical courses on international e-commerce, as well as an extensive library of digitized content.
In-depth analysis of the e-commerce ecosystem in the most relevant countries for Chilean exports.

Practical Guides
Learn how to make your first store, in which platform to host it, trough the design, creation of product catalog, section of payment methods, logistics operators, digital marketing campaigns, and also how to increase conversions and sales.


Digital Knowledge Center

Access and explore the content generated by ProChile.

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Explore contents that let you to strengthen the strategic analysis for the internationalisation process of your company, based on new technologies. Turn your knowledge of the digital economy into your main competitive advantage.

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