Los talleres de ProChile, son actividades presenciales o virtuales orientadas a empresas con potencial exportador, exportadoras incipientes, intermitentes o permanentes, con el objetivo de apoyarlas en el desarrollo y/o fortalecimiento de sus capacidades de gestión de exportaciones o internacionalización.
En un máximo de horas de sesión, podrás recibir conocimientos básicos o avanzados en áreas como: Exportación, logística y oportunidades de mercado.
Ciclos de capacitación
Son tres o más sesiones presenciales o virtuales diseñadas para empresas con potencial exportador, exportadoras incipientes o intermitentes, para profundizar contenidos específicos o abordar brechas de gestión para enfrentar etapas del proceso exportador.
En cada sesión, de un máximo de 2 horas, participan expertos en cada tema invitados por ProChile, para contribuir al desarrollo y/o fortalecimiento de las capacidades de gestión de exportaciones o internacionalización de las empresas.
Son 5 o más sesiones presenciales o virtuales, de un máximo de 2 horas de duración, pensadas para empresas con potencial exportador, exportadoras incipientes, intermitentes o permanentes. Esta actividad está diseñada para analizar temas prioritarios del desarrollo de las empresas y de quienes gestionan su internacionalización.
Los participantes que cumplan con requisitos como asistencia y notas recibirán un certificado de participación.
Es una actividad presencial o virtual diseñada para un máximo de 12 empresas con potencial exportador, exportadoras incipientes, intermitentes o permanentes que pertenezcan a un mismo subsector.
Al inicio se realiza un diagnóstico para identificar brechas y luego, en 4 ó 5 sesiones, los participantes reciben apoyo de profesionales externos para desarrollar un plan de trabajo que se puede implementar al finalizar la mentoría.
Coaching exportador
Esta actividad, guiada por un/a mentor/a está diseñada en 6 sesiones completas o 12 medias jornadas de trabajo interactivo y dinámico entre las empresas participantes que deben ser exportadoras incipientes o intermitentes de un mismo subsector.
Está pensada para un número acotado de empresas participantes, entre 8 y 12, niveladas según la etapa en que se encuentren en su proceso exportador. En las sesiones se realiza un autodiagnóstico de cada empresa y un diseño y/o ajuste de su plan de negocios, con el objetivo de lograr su inserción en los mercados internacionales.
Es una actividad, presencial o virtual, diseñada para exportadoras permanentes. Se realiza en una o varias sesiones de trabajo, cada una de un máximo de 2 horas de duración. Pueden participar entre 12 a 18 empresas que se agrupan de acuerdo con el subsector y mercado objetivo.
Si la inmersión se hace en modalidad virtual se realizan reuniones con contrapartes locales del mercado, preparadas específicamente para las necesidades de las empresas participantes. Se abordan temas como registros, permisos, logística, certificaciones, variables comerciales, cadena comercial, competencia y nichos de mercado. En el caso de la inmersión en modalidad presencial, los asistentes tienen la posibilidad de acceder a los mismos contenidos de la modalidad virtual y adicionalmente sumar el trabajo en sala y en terreno con expertos públicos y privados.
Talleres de nivelación
Nivel intermedio
Nivel avanzado
Participa de las actividades en formato virtual que tendremos durante éste año
Nivel sugerido | Programa de capacitación empresas 2024 | |||
Básico | Intermedio | Temas | Mes | Estado |
Acceso de mercados, CPTPP y nuevos acuerdos comerciales | Marzo | Postula | ||
Construcción y pitch de un modelo de negocios exportador | Abril | En proceso | ||
Proceso de exportación de bienes | Mayo | En proceso | ||
Fijación de precios internacionales | Mayo | En proceso | ||
Innovación para la internacionalización | Mayo | En proceso | ||
Negociaciones marketing, ventas y fidelización | Mayo | En proceso | ||
Cómo prepararse para una misión comercial | Mayo | En proceso | ||
Sistema integrado de exportación | Mayo | En proceso | ||
Proceso de exportación de servicios | Junio | En proceso | ||
Plan de negocios internacional | Junio | En proceso | ||
Certificaciones | Junio | En proceso | ||
Asociatividad para la internacionalización | Julio | En proceso | ||
Cambios en la grabación de iva en servicios: ¿qué implicancia tiene? | Julio | En proceso | ||
Inteligencia comercial de mercados para la internacionalización | Agosto | En proceso | ||
Propiedad intelectual y derechos de autor | Agosto | En proceso | ||
Marca chile obtención de sello | Agosto | En proceso | ||
Estrategias de internacionalización | Septiembre | En proceso | ||
Certificación operador económico autorizado "OEA" | Septiembre | En proceso | ||
Sostenibilidad para la internacionalización (economia circula, solidaria, bien común) | Octubre | En proceso | ||
Certificación de origen | Octubre | En proceso | ||
Instrumentos financieros y contables para la exportación | Octubre | En proceso | ||
E-commerce | Noviembre | En proceso | ||
Compras públicas en otros mercados | Noviembre | En proceso |
Contamos con importantes convenios con distintas empresas y organizaciones, tanto locales como en el exterior, que forman parte del proceso exportador o facilitan la internacionalización de las empresas nacionales. Con estos convenios encontrarás beneficios tan diversos como valores preferenciales para servicios de logística, propiedad intelectual, asesoría y formación exportadora.
BIOPARK is a bioscience science and technology park that encompasses four teaching institutions, scientific research laboratories, as well as a business ecosystem with more than 130 businesses in an area of more than 5 million m², in the city of Toledo, state of Parana, Brazil. Its mission is to support companies by helping to solve specific or common problems, whether of an administrative, economic-financial, technological, environmental, political-institutional or infrastructure nature.
Brenda F. Noamann
(+55 45) 2036-3612 - (+55 45) 9 9822-1920
ContactoCORREOS DE CHILE, an autonomous company of the State of Chile whose purpose is to provide national and international correspondence services and other postal services. It has joined PROCHILE to deliver to the "beneficiary companies of PROCHILE” benefits that aim to improve the competitiveness and ease of international trade operation.
Grant the beneficiary companies of the agreement a 15% discount on the list rates of the Express Document services, Branch Package, Address Package and their respective alternative additional services, pre-admitted through the Virtual Branch of POST OFFICE OF CHILE.
Grant the companies benefiting from the agreement a 15% discount on the list rates for the International Small Package, EMS, International Parcel and Outgoing International Courier services, admitted at any of the CORREOS DE CHILE branches, throughout the country.
Who can access:
Direct Contact: Javiera Yávar Farachi / javiera.yavar@correos.cl / +56 9 6628 4780
More Information: https://www.correos.cl/aliados
Go to Form: https://www.correos.cl/web/guest/formulario-contacto
Virtual Store: https://www.correos.cl/web/guest/registrar-usuario
ContactoIn case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
The Bavarian University Center for Latin America (BAYLAT) is a service facility of the Ministry of Science and Arts of the State of Bavaria, Germany. It promotes the networking of universities and research institutions in Bavaria and Latin America. It has the task of promoting Bavaria as a center for technology and innovation as well as science and education in Latin American countries, promoting scientific cooperation with the region.
The program aims to promote and facilitate contacts and opportunities between Chilean and Bavarian companies, related to innovation and science.
How to access:
ProChile will communicate the profile of the companies to benefit, the conditions for participation, call and subsequent selection of the successful bidders.
ContactoIn case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
ASR Boost is specialized in international business development through the provision of services, administration and consulting in e-commerce channels, retail, new product development and marketing strategies. With deep focus and experience in comprehensive advice for the entry, positioning and development in Amazon and other marketplaces, as well as retail in the United States, United Kingdom, Colombia and Russia. ASR Boost core value is based in the Team’s large experience, whose members have developed their own brands and taken them to more than 14 markets for more than 18 years.
Specialized consulting in:
a) Pre-export: Gap analysis, market studies, benchmark, and pricing & profitability strategy.
b) Training: Foreign trade and international logistics consulting, nutritional and regulatory analysis of packaging.
c) Onboarding: Web development, e-commerce development and marketplaces such as amazon, Walmart, faire, tundra, etsy and range me, etc.
*Professional Service | Reference Value. ($ CLP per project) | |
Gap Analysis | 1.500.000 | |
Benchmark and Pricing & Profitability Strategy | 2.500.000 | |
Foreign trade and international logistics consulting | 700.000 | |
Nutritional and regulatory analysis containers | 200.000 per SKU | |
Web Development – ECOMMERCE | 2.500.000 | |
Ecommerce, marketplace development: AMAZON – WALMART – FAIRE – TUNDRA – ETSY – RANGE ME | 3.500.000 |
*On these values the beneficiaries of ProChile must deduct 30%
Sebastian Dib Ruiz
Telephones: +569 9918 8281
In case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
START GROUP SPA is a company specialized in Full-Commerce. Its mission is to facilitate the onboarding and expansion of companies through the digital world. Start Group develops solutions to enhance the digital business of companies at an international level. It guides every stage of the business processes, from the implementation of a business to its expansion worldwide. Start Group has a wide portfolio of solutions: Start Ecommerce, Tech, Shipping, Xchange, Cargo and Academy.
Business unit dedicated to e-commerce certified by Mercado Libre. Positioning on the platform and acceleration of digital sales. The added value is based on the regionalization of services, integrating Mercado Libre in all countries where it is located. Consulting: $600usd / 25% off - Usd 450 final per month.
Our advertising agency, with strong presence at continental level, offers companies an integral development of their products and brands, establishing different strategies to achieve the result sought by clients, understanding each client as a specific case, we guarantee an accelerated commercial growth. Agency: $800usd / 25% off - Usd 600 final per month.
Consulting + Agency benefit pack: Contracting both services in an 8 month project, you have an additional 10% discount. Total in $945 usd
Fullfilment by Start - Warehouse in Capital Federal Argentina.
Warehousing and management of merchandise for last mile delivery in CABA (ARGENTINA). Preferential rate for pickeo of merchandise, includes tracking and packing of merchandise (subject to the type of product). Cubic meter $18usd / 20% off - Usd 14.5 final.
Online product cataloguer for Mercado Libre, with bonus dropshipping function for ProChile beneficiaries. Rate per SKU : 1 sku $4usd. Over 25 sku $3usd, includes two resellers free of charge. Up to 10 resellers 30Usd
Operative sku charge, includes catalog publication assembly. For 1 SKU $3 usd, Prochile beneficiary discount 50% discount. Total $1.5usd per sku.
Start Xchange
For hiring services of: regionalization of companies, corporate opening, bank account opening, monthly accounting services, legal representation in the destination and KEY account manager, ProChile beneficiaries receive a free market study.
Start Cargo
Integral service of international cargo transportation with door to door modality, direct quotation with no hidden value (subject to the consignment of packing list).
Direct contact of the company:
Leonel Scarcella
Phone number: +549 11 6249 6673
ContactoIn case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
CASA DE MONEDA is a company of the State of Chile whose corporate purpose includes, among others, the printing, creation and/or preparation of valued species and documents or elements of public faith or that require special security. Within its products, it offers exporting companies a technological service that consists of a platform that allows the monitoring and traceability of products through a Digital Footprint – (graphic chip ) , readable with any smart cell phone, accessing the following benefits:
The business model is as a Service "SaaS" (Software as a Service ), so you will have access to the benefits and information of the platform, just by acquiring the fingerprints, without licensing, without investment, or long-term contracts.
Volume | 500,000 units | 1,000,000 units | 5,000,000 units | |||
Versión | Starter | Starter Plus | Starter | Starter Plus | Starter | Starter Plus |
ProChile Price | $ 77 | $ 80 | $ 39 | $54 | $ 11 | $36 |
All companies would have access to:
Definition of versions:
Non-serialized code (unique for all products). Basic scan results. Printer configuration. Packaging integration.
Serialized code. Security chart. Basic scan results. Printer configuration. Packaging integration.
Serialized code. Security chart. Basic scan results. Printer configuration. Packaging integration. Counterfeit and gray market alerts.
Direct company contact:
Camilo Fuentes
Innovation Digital Leader
Telephone: +569 4293 2199
ContactoIn case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
SISTEMA B is a non-profit organization that aims to promote triple impact companies, which seek to be a contribution to the main social and environmental challenges. In addition, it seeks to build an ecosystem/environment conducive to these new economic forces, from public policy, research, teaching, access to new markets and capital.
Collaborates in internationalization activities of PROCHILE, incorporating commercial actions and supporting the strengthening of capacities to export of companies with a sustainable approach.
Carry out seminars, workshops, conversations and webinars with PROCHILE and its beneficiary companies, in order to disseminate the promotion of B companies.
Isidora Rodriguez
In case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
NATIONAL CENTER IN HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CENS) is a non-profit corporation, formed by the universities of Chile, Católica, Concepción, Valparaíso and Talca, with the support of CORFO, to develop strategies and activities that allow achieving a system more connected health system, innovate through health information technologies, close the gaps in knowledge and application of health information systems, and create criteria to ensure the quality of said systems. CENS makes its tools available to the Digital Health ecosystem.
Alejandra García
+569 7648 5477
ContactoIn case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.
EMPRENDE TU MENTE, ETM is a non-profit corporation whose objective is to generate contact networks between entrepreneurs and different decision makers, like investors, managers or executives, networks of mentors, venture capital and different organizations and experts that allow the Chilean Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to grow. To reach its goal, ETM has three main projects: ETM APP, ETM MEET and ETM DAY.
Nicolas Uranga
+569 9767 8333
ContactoIn case of additional questions, please contact your executive or the ProChile Office in your region.