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Logistics Services

Logistics Services


CORREOS DE CHILE has joined forces with PROCHILE to provide companies that work with the institution with benefits aimed at improving the competitiveness and ease of international trade operations.

Logistics Services

Air Canada

AIR CANADA is Canada´s largest airline and the largets provider of schedule passenger services in the Canadian market,the Canada-U.S transborder market and in the international market to and from Canada.In 2019,it was among the top 20 largest Airlines in the world.Air Canada is a founding member of star Alliance,providing the world´s most comprehensive air transportation Network.

Logistics Services


SCHARFF LOGISTICA INTEGRADA S.A. is an international cargo agency in Peru that brings companies, people and markets closer together through logistics

Logistics Services


COLTRANS is a Colombian international cargo agency, whose objective is to serve as an intermediary between companies and all entities involved in the logistics chain

Logistics Services


Is an international logistics provider based in Miami, USA, offering logistics, storage and distribution services, covering the full range of services and solutions within the supply chain.

Logistics Services


FedEx Express offers access to more than 220 countries and territories through its logistics network.

Logistics Services


United States, United Parcel Service, UPS, is currently the largest package delivery and express courier company in the world and a leader in transportation

Logistics Services


Founded in 1969, DHL is the world's leading logistics company. It employs more than 380,000 people in over 220 countries.

Logistics Services


A leading player in the global transfer of goods, since 1960 it has provided a comprehensive service for the movement of goods by air, sea and land.

Commercial Plataforms

ASR Boost

Company that provides advice for the entry, positioning and development of companies in Amazon and other marketplaces, as well as retail in the United States, United Kingdom, Colombia and Russia. It offers a 30% discount on its e-commerce services for ProChile beneficiaries.

Commercial Plataforms

Start Group SPA

Company specialized in Full-Commerce. Its mission is to facilitate the onboarding and expansion of companies through the digital world. It provides free 60-minute express consulting services and discounts in all its business units to ProChile beneficiaries.

Commercial Plataforms


It is China's largest online and offline retailer and the third largest Internet company globally.

Financial Services


In a strategic alliance with ProChile, it supports beneficiary companies in their internationalization processes.

Innovation Plataforms


BIOPARK is a bioscience science and technology park that encompasses four teaching institutions, scientific research laboratories, as well as a business ecosystem with more than 130 businesses in an area of more than 5 million m², in the city of Toledo, state of Parana, Brazil.

Innovation Plataforms


The Bavarian University Center for Latin America (BAYLAT) is a service facility of the Ministry of Science and Arts of the State of Bavaria, Germany.

Innovation Plataforms


NATIONAL CENTER IN HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CENS) is a non-profit corporation, formed by the universities of Chile, Católica, Concepción, Valparaíso and Talca, with the support of CORFO, to develop strategies and activities that allow achieving a system more connected health system

Innovation Plataforms


EMPRENDE TU MENTE, ETM is a non-profit corporation whose objective is to generate contact networks between entrepreneurs and different decision makers.

Innovation Plataforms


The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, also known as KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Innovation Plataforms


The Latin American Business Association (LAV) is the business network and information platform for the German business sector with interests in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes economic, political and social relations between Germany and the countries of the region.

Certification Services

Casa de Moneda

CASA DE MONEDA is a company of the State of Chile whose corporate purpose includes, among others, the printing, creation and/or preparation of valued species and documents or elements of public faith or that require special security.

Certification Services


SISTEMA B is a non-profit organization that aims to promote triple impact companies, which seek to be a contribution to the main social and environmental challenges.

Certification Services


A leading company in certification and training for beneficiaries seeking to enhance their competitiveness. It is present in 90 countries and has more than 20 years of experience in Chile.

Training Services

Mujeres Empresarias

An organization that supports women in business management, leading businesswomen, professionals and entrepreneurs through a broad and innovative network of contacts to promote their inclusion in the economic and business world.

Training Services

Santiago Chamber of Commerce

ProChile and the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CCS) support the internationalization of service companies with export potential.

Training Services


ProChile and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI), signed a collaboration agreement to support our beneficiaries in their internationalization processes and highlight the importance of protecting innovation in the different productive processes in Chile

Training Services

Centro Vincular PUCV

The first university center in the country specialized in contributing to the strengthening of a more sustainable institutional management.

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