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Servicios Capacitaciones

Servicios Capacitaciones

Mujeres Empresarias

An organization that supports women in business management, leading businesswomen, professionals and entrepreneurs through a broad and innovative network of contacts to promote their inclusion in the economic and business world.

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Servicios Capacitaciones

Cámara de Comercio de Santiago

ProChile and the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CCS) support the internationalization of service companies with export potential.

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Servicios Capacitaciones


ProChile and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI), signed a collaboration agreement to support our beneficiaries in their internationalization processes and highlight the importance of protecting innovation in the different productive processes in Chile

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Servicios Capacitaciones

Centro Vincular PUCV

The first university center in the country specialized in contributing to the strengthening of a more sustainable institutional management.

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