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ProChile in the World

Seoul, South Korea

Trade Commissioner:

Trade Managers: Yewon (Deborah) SHEO, Yun Kyung (Karina) SUH

Secretary: Seo (ANA) RYE SEON

Telephone Numbers: 82-2-775-1246~8

Fax: 82-2-775-1249

Address: #804, Coryo Daeyungak Tower, Toegye-ro 97, Seoul, South Korea

Business Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 -17:00 hrs.

Languages: Korean, Spanish

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*Your request will be forwarded to our Help Desk for a proper response. Regarding requests involving contact with our foreign commercial offices for orientation, you will be notified of their contact information in the reply.

About the Market

The Republic of Korea is a country with 52 million of habitants, is one of the 12 biggest economy of the world. In 2019 it joined to the category of developed country, thanks to a strategy based on industrial, services and innovation areas.

Thus, investing firmly in the development of new technologies (5G) and new energies, being at the leading edge of the region and the world.

Its GDP per capita is of USD $32 million approximately and its population is characterised for using electronic commerce platforms to shop (food and others), a practice that has grown in recent years.

Interesting Information

Interesting Information

GDP 2022 (MMUS$): 1.665.246

GDP Per Capita 2022 (US$): 32.255

Population: 51.689.292

TOTAL CIF IMP 2022 (MMUS$): 808.086

TOTAL FOB EXP 2022 (MMUS$): 803.590

CIF Importations 2022 (Market rules Chile) (MMUS$): 1.638

Non-copper FOB Exportations from Chile to the Market 2022 (MMUS$): 6.170

*Data from the year 2022. Source The World Bank