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IIn this 5th version of the program we hope to benefit 48 Chilean companies that use technologies to develop their innovative product or service with the business softlanding designed by ProChile and Corfo to support and accelerate the international expansion of those who award this call.

A few steps away from connecting with multiple public-private actors of the Corfo and ProChile network. Make your dream come true, go international!

Open until June 19th 2023 at 1:00 p.m.



Softlanding program designed in collaboration with

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Centro Digital de Conocimiento

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Formación Exportadora

Explora contenidos que te permiten fortalecer el análisis estratégico para el proceso de internacionalización de tu empresa, basados en las nuevas tecnologías. Convierte tus conocimientos de economía digital en tu principal ventaja competitiva.

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