Services contribute to the diversification of Chilean exports. They connect directly to innovation, knowledge and value-added exports, faithfully representing ProChile’s strategic pillars.
Chile’s service exports include technological solutions, mining services, agricultural services, engineering and architecture.
Over the past fifteen years, the sector has achieved a positive export performance with an average growth that has remained at 13% per year. Its purpose is to promote, facilitate and strengthen the positioning of service exports, concentrating on technological development to achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness.
ProChile’s service sector focus is to work with SME and large export companies that generate employment, expediting their expansion into new markets.
The target markets are South America, Central America and North America, with a secondary focus on Europe and Asia.
According to the report Chilean Mining Suppliers’ Exports 2020, compiled by the International Economic Relations Undersecretary’s Office and ProChile, 372 mining supply companies exported products and/or services worth a total US$421 million in 2020, reaching 75 markets.
The sector’s international expansion objective consists of increasing and diversifying the exports of goods and services suppliers for the mining industry, focused on companies that offer solutions with a technological base and a high degree of innovation.
Our mining suppliers offer exports for all areas of mining, such as exploration, development, extraction, processing and mine closure. These goods and services are grouped into the following subsectors:
Operating Contractors
Engineering and Consultancy Services.
Construction and Assembly:
Equipment and Supplies.
Technical Consumables:
Grinding and Plant Equipment.
Spares, Parts and Pieces:
Pumps and Pipes:
Construction Equipment and Tools:
Technical Team Laboratory and Equipment.
Security and Clothing – Personal Protection Elements (EPP).
According to Chilean legislation, the energy industry comprises all activities related to research, exploration, exploitation, generation, transmission, storage, distribution, consumption, efficient use, imports and exports, as well as any others that concern electricity, coal, gas, petrol and its derivatives, nuclear, geothermal and solar power and all other energy sources.
Chile’s energy market is composed of three sectors whose activities make electric energy provision possible:
Smart Cities correspond to a subsector of Information and Communication Technologies (TICs). The sector includes all services developed with the aim of helping to improve people’s quality of life in an efficient, participative and sustainable way. They include the solutions and services offered by the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sectors.
Among the main areas of business that make up the Smart City sector are: Mobility, environment, emergency management, government and Security. In recent years, the sector has become increasingly important internationally. It has recently been affected by the current global health crisis and its effects on the ways of life and the needs of cities and their citizens.
Exports cover the sale of services related to real estate construction, civil engineering and/or the implementation of physical infrastructure projects. They can include construction services and the assembly of prefabricated buildings, installation and building completion, or accessory tasks such as maintenance, repair and additions. The services offered are comprised of:
General Construction Work for Building: involves construction work (including new works, extensions, refurbishment and renovation) for all type of buildings, residential or non-residential, private or public property.
These services are directed to the stages of conceptual design, viability/feasibility study, technical and financial assessments and project design and supervision.