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Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution driven by the impact of digital technology and data processing. This process lays the groundwork for what we know as Smart Factory.

As a result, it has generated momentum for productivity and increasing automation. The development of information technologies and the analytical capacity of large databases are impacting the economy in numerous ways, including forms of production, and presenting new challenges for countries and companies.

ProChile’s Objective:

We seek to promote, facilitate and strengthen the positioning of Chilean industries abroad, highlighting the technological development that makes their products more efficient and competitive. We contribute to the generation of productive supply lines and the strengthening of global value chains.


We focus on export companies, SMBs and large companies that can generate a positive impact on employment. We seek to accelerate their commercial expansion into new markets.

Smart Factories are recognized as such when companies embark upon digital transformation by integrating sensors and data analysis infrastructure, allowing them to have many times the level of productivity of their competitors. It is said that an abundance of information and easily-available knowledge is creating a “smarter world".


We set up public-private working groups to design international expansion plans. We promote alliances and associations in the industry, creating support networks. In addition, we generate relevant information to enable businesses to find out about market opportunities, and we facilitate promotional tools, such as support initiatives and actions.

Objectives of ProChile:

We seek to promote, facilitate, and strengthen the positioning of National Industries internationally, emphasising the technologic development that makes the exportable supply more efficient and competitive. We contribute to the creation of supply chains and strengthen global value chains.

Focal Point:

Our focal points are Exporting Companies, small, medium and large size companies that can generate an impact in employment. We want to accelerate their trade openness to new markets.


Through the creation of a Public-Private work groups we designed an Internationalization Plan. We encourage collaborative alliances in the Industry, triggering supporting networks. Likewise, we generate relevant information, in order to publicize market opportunities and facilitate Marketing Tools, such as Initiatives and Support Actions.



Aquaculture Suppliers

Aquaculture Suppliers

Alternative Uses of Copper

Alternative Uses of Copper

Forestry Timber

Forestry Timber

Packaging, Plastic (Recycling)

Packaging, Plastic (Recycling)

Medical Devices and Supplies

Medical Devices and Supplies



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