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ProChile in the World

Montreal, Canada


Trade Representative: Joanie Bourgeois

Telephone Numbers: +1 514 499 9828

Address: 1010 Sherbrooke W., Suite 710 Montreal. Canada. H3A 2R7

Business Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 – 5:00 hrs.

Languages: Spanish, English, French

Contact our Help Desk*


*Your request will be forwarded to our Help Desk for a proper response. Regarding requests involving contact with our foreign commercial offices for orientation, you will be notified of their contact information in the reply.

About the Market

The main area of action of the commercial representation in Montreal is Quebec, the second province with the most economical importance in Canada, after Ontario. It counts with more than 8.5 million of habitants, number that corresponds to approximately 23% of the population of the country and almost a 15% of Canadian territory. It is the only province where the official language is French.

The commercial representation also covers four Atlantic provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

Interesting Information

Interesting Information

GDP 2022 (MMUS$): 2.139.840

GDP PER CAPITA 2022 (US$): 54.966

Population: 38.564.472

TOTAL CIF IMP 2022 (MMUS$): 717.787

TOTAL FOB EXP 2022 (MMUS$): 721.522

CIF Importations 2022 (Market rules Chile) (MMUS$): 949

Non-copper FOB Exportations from Chile to the Market 2022 (MMUS$): 1.363

*Data from the year 2022. Source The World Bank and Central Bank