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ProChile in the World

Moscow, Russian Federation

Svetlana Tarjova Trade Represent Moscow

Trade Represent : Svetlana Tarjova

Trade Managers: Alejandra Trofimova

Phone: +7 (499) 241 9327 / 9466

Address: Dénezhniy Per,7, Building 1, Moscow

Business hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 – 18:00 hours.

Languages: Russian, Spanish

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*Your request will be forwarded to our Help Desk for a proper response. Regarding requests involving contact with our foreign commercial offices for orientation, you will be notified of their contact information in the reply.

About the Market

The population of Russia amounts to 146,7 million inhabitants (almost 200 million if we consider immigrants from the former USSR and the population of the Eurasian Union). Russia has a market with a great potential, as consumer spend around 40-50% of their Budget on food and beverages.

Buying capacity varies by region, but consumption itself remains high. Russians are consumers who pay attention to the information provided by the product label, the country of origin, presentation and are open to new alternatives. They look for the best prices; they prefer healthy, nutritious foods, rich in vitamins, low in calories and safe, becoming loyal customers of their favourite brands.

Interesting Information

Interesting Information

GDP 2022 (MMUS$): 2.240.422

GDP Per capita 2022 (US$): 15.345

Population: 143.443.088

IMP CIF TOTALS 2022 (MMUS$): 349.175

EXP FOB TOTALS 2022 (MMUS$): 631.551

Imports CIF 2022 (market sends to Chile) (MMUS$): 63

Exports FOB, no copper, from Chile to the market 2022 (MMUS$): 457

*Data from the year 2022. Source The World Bank