Chiledoc is the representative sectorial brand of the documentary film sector, created in 2018, under a public-private partnership between ProChile and the Cultural Corporation of Documentalists.
The objective of this initiative is to position the documentary film sector internationally by a consistent strategy with Chile’s country image and the film industry.
The brand’s contribution in positioning the sector lies in the collaborative works it performs. One of the key aspects to position and leveraging companies within the same sector is their collaborative work, building on the reputation that Chile holds as a serious and reliable country, thus increasing the possibilities of enhancing its offer at an international level.
Target markets: Mexico, France, Colombia and China.
Sectorial Brand's Attributes:
Main actions:
The main activity is the execution of a communication, marketing and branding plan that allows to position Chiledoc brand in relevant publishings, as well as in renowned markets and festivals. It also considers accompaniment of artworks in spaces of visibility and in the generation of a continuous plan of presence in networks and digital media allowing greater recognition. This enhanced by the participation in the main markets/festivals of the documentary film sector.