Chile Olive Oil is a brand that seeks to position Chilean olive oil as a high-quality product in the world markets. This initiative is worked along the Chilean Association of Olive Oil Producers, ChileOliva A.G.
The sectorial brand was activated in the Unitated states in 2012, specifically for the New York, Boston and Miami consumers. The main slogan for the campaign was How Virgin is Your Extra Virgin?, inviting consumers to question themselves the quality of the oil they bought, and to prefer the Chilean ones that claimed to be Truly Extra Virgin!.
Brand's Attributes:
Target markets: United States and Brazil.
Main actions:
The campaign included activities that involved informed savvy gourmet consumers interested in delicatessens with healthy properties, as they are the ones who impose trends. One of the main points of this campaign was to educate consumers to read the label of the olive oil bottles, and, thus, to know their origin and elaboration, ensuring that they are getting the most fresh and best quality product.
In 2014, the second phase of work, adding the Brazilian market, commenced, where the brand is aimed at customers, chefs, the HORECA channel, and mass media, seeking to highlight the comparative advantages that Chile posses to produce extra virgin olive oil and the outstanding quality characteristics of the product.